::my followers::

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Di Sini Lahirnya Sebuah Cinta

Assalamualaikum people!

It is almost midnight! A very important day here in Malaysia. It is our 57th Independence Day. Even I was born wayyy after Malaysia got it's independence, I do feel patriotic since I was told about our ancestors on how hard they survived to protect our very own country. 

This year we used one of the Allahyarham Dato' Sudirman bin Haji Arshad's song as the theme song. The lyrics are somehow meaningful to me. I can cry listening to this song. Like seriously. Listen and mean it. Right from the heart. 

Here's are the lyrics. Happy Independence Day Malaysia! 

Warisan - Sudirman

Disini lahirnya sebuah cinta
Yang murni abadi sejati
Disini tersemai cita cita
Bercambah menjadi warisan

( korus )
Andai ku terbuang tak diterima
Andai aku disingkirkan
Kemana harusku bawakan
Kemana harusku semaikan cinta ini

Dibumi ini ku melangkah
Keutara selatan timur dan barat
Ku jejaki

Bukanlah seorang perwira
Gagah menjunjung senjata
Namun hati rela berjuang
Walau dengan cara sendiri
Demi cinta ini

Ku ingin kotakan seribu janji
Sepanjang kedewasaan ini
Ku ingin sampaikan pesanan
Aku lah penyambung warisan

I mixed up 3 images into 1! Happy Independence Day Malaysia!!

Friday, August 15, 2014

My Awesome Rainbow Cake

Assalamualaikum people!

Setelah lama menghilang, sini aku nak share resepi Rainbow Cake yang aku buat beberapa hari lepas. This is my second time making this cake actually. They turned out so well and tasted yummy too. 

Ni masa first time buat dulu. My 21st birthday cake. 
 I made this cake by my own to celebrate my parents on my birthday. Sorry for the piping. Piping yang comot. Almaklumlah first trial buat piping. The cream cheese was too soft.
yang ni ada lima layer je. Sebab malas. haha
 Well, below is the one that I made recently. Due to the insufficient cream cheese and a little bit of laziness in me, I do not do the piping deco but I am too hardworking to arrange the M&M's. :p
Rainbow cake!
This time, I managed to make it into 6 layers!
And the recipe are as follows:

  1. 3 cwn tepung gandum
  2. 4 sdk baking powder
  3. 1/2 sdk garam
  4. 1 cwn butter ~ suhu bilik
  5. 2 cwn gula castor ~ kurangkan sebab manis
  6. 5 biji putih telor ~ suhu bilik *aku menderhaka sikit kat sini - aku guna je kuning telur sekali*
  7. 2 sdk esen vanila
  8. 1 1/2 cawan susu segar ~ suhu bilik
  9. pewarna - oren, merah, kuning, biru, ungu dan hijau

Sediakan loyang 8 inc ~ kalau boleh 3 loyang
Sapu loyang dengan butter dan alas dasar loyang dengan baking paper.
sapukan juga baking paper dengan butter
Panaskan oven pada suhu 170C

Ayakkan tepung, baking pwder dan  garam ~ ketepikan
Dalam bekas mixer pukul butter dan gula sampai kembang dan  gebu atau butter bertukar warna putih .
Masukkan telur putih  dan pukul lagi sampai gebu dan ringan
Masukkan esen vanila
Kemudian slowkan yang paling perlahan sekali, mixer, masukkan tepung berselang seli dengan susu segar
Boleh juga guna spatula dan guna kaedah kaup balik.

*Tepung kena berselang seli dengan susu. Mulai dengan tepung dan akhiri dengan tepung juga.
maksunya : tepung ~ susu ~ tepung ~ susu ~ tepung ~ susu dan akhir mesti tepung

Kemudian bahagikan adunan sama banyak dalam 6 bekas berasingan
*timbang setiap adunan supaya dia sama tebal bila dah siap di bakar

Letakkan pewarna dalam setiap bekas dan gaul rata
Masukkan dalam loyang
Bakar adunan tadi satu persatu dalam oven pada suhu 170C letak pada rak bawah menggunakan api atas dan bawah dan bakar selama 15 ~ 20 minit atau sehingga kek benar-benar masak. *aku punya 15 minit dah masak*

Bila dah masak letak atas redai
Tunggu dia sejuk sekejap dan kemudian terbalikkan
Kemudia boleh lah teruskan membakar pada adunan yang lain satu persatu hingga siap 6 lapisan
Jangan tindih2 kan kek bersama kerana kek mudah melekat dan nanti kek nampak comot dan tak cantik bila dia bertindih dan melekat antara satu sama lain.

Cream cheese toppings

Cream cheese
Stgh cawan butter
Satu cwn gula icing

Pukul semua bahan sampai kembang dan sebati. letak pewarna kalau nak dan paipkan ke atas kek. Sebelum tu ingat eh kena layerkan semua lapisan kek. 
Susun la ikut warna pelangi. 
Contoh lapisan pertama warna purple. Sapu cream cheese dan letak pula lapisan kedua iaitu warna biru and sampai la lapisan terakhir that is merah. 
Nak buat ni perlu ada kesabaran yang tinggi okay!

Good luck people!

Monday, July 28, 2014



Esok raya. Means Ramadhan is leaving. farewell Ramadhan kareem. Hope to see you next time. 

Saturday, July 19, 2014


Assalamualaikum peeps

Using the free time I have to fulfill a promise I've given to Cik Aimi a teacher-to-be. Insya Allah. Sebenarnya, Cik Aimi dah tag aku lama dah. Just masa dekat Shah Alam memang busy-tak-ada-masa-nak-berblogging. Especially time final project punya phase. 

It's been a long time since I've last been tagged. So, thank you so much Cik adik manis bernama Aimi. May Allah's blesses always be with you.

1. Nama, asal and kenapa pilih untuk jadi blogger?

Nama saya yang sebenarnya panjang, so eloklah kalau anda semua mengenali saya dengan nama Cik Cumie :) asal Negeri Sembilan. Jadi blogger sebab saja suka nak ranting my life stories. Blogging since 2009 masa tu baru setahun jagung lagi. So posting masa tu agak childish. Sorryyyyyyyy sangat. Haha

2. Cita-cita / Pekerjaan. Dan kenapa?

there's a lot of things in my mind if I'm imagining what would I be in 5 years from now. used to dream about becoming a doctor but as I grew up, I'm more interested in becoming an Architect. So I landed my self in Landscape Architecture and hoping to be a Landscape Architect soon. Insya Allah. 

3. Impian yang belum tercapai?

Having a good job. So that I'll be able to make my parents proud of me.

4. Tiga lagu yang ada dalam fikiran anda sekarang.

All of me by John Legend *my favourite song*
Number one by Maher Zain
Summertime Sadness

5. Satu gambar yang anda rasa lucu. Dan kenapa?

Hahaha. I think most of the people would hate their ex depending on the situation. Bet this person were so mad.

6. Kereta idaman?

kereta idaman. Hmm..banyak kereta yang diidamkan sebenarnya. setiap tahun lain-lain. haha. Do I need to list all my dream cars or cane ni? Hihi
So far minat Volkswagen Beetle Convertable tuuuu

7. Green or pink?

I'll take both! :D

8. Kawan yang paling rapat?

there are fews..kawan masa kt mrsm. kawan masa kat matriks. kawan masa kat Uitm Perak. I am not gonna list up their names cause we have some privacy to maintain. Cewahhh. Macam retis plak. Sorry..tapi they know who they are. Hihi

9. Perangai buruk yang orang tak tahu? *Hahaa~ I mean, tentang anda yang orang tak tahu.

Ishhh..kalau bagitau dah tak rahsia la. 

when I have this day..all I wanna do is cry or losing my temper to someone. Sorry. :( 

10. Jenama tudung / baju yang anda suka?

Tudung AJ..kangaroo pun okay. Asal tudung bawal. Baju..tak kesah pun. Asal selesa and cantik. Bukan jenis kaki barang branded. Typical girl sajeee.

Okay..that is all. The answers for you questions ye Cik Aimi. Thanks again for tagging me. :)

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Physically Black vs Visually Black

Hello and assalamualaikum people!

I am home after a hectic semester. Well, every semester as chaotic as it is. I've just safely arrived here in my home last Friday after finishing up my examination paper. Yeah, but I still have another examination paper to be taken on next Monday. not really this coming Monday but the other Monday in the following week. Back to the topic, 'Physically black vs Visually black' was my topic for my first ELC590 presentation. Since I was too busy to be updating about it and some of my classmates did posted their slides on blogs, I think it is good to share it here too.

If you are wondering what is my topic about, it is about coffee. And nap. 'Physically black' is the metaphor for coffee while 'Visually black' is the metaphor for napping. I was going to use a simply direct title like "Coffee vs Nap" but my Prof. suggested that we must choose at least a catchy title to make the topic sounds interesting. Okay..now let see some of the content I've provided for my presentation. We needed to provide visual aids to help audience understands and keeping interest in our topic.

A good speaker must have a good attention grabber to capture your audience attention. As for me, I cited a poem. An old poem about coffee but it was far less interesting I guess because I didn't get high score for my first attention grabber attempt. As you can see below, is my introduction slide, a little info about the history of coffee.

The three main headings for my speech was coffee and nap would give amazing effects on improving moods, boosting your performance level and last but not the least lowering the level of sleepiness.

There a lot of vitamins that can be found in coffee. Some of it are listed in the next slide I've provided.

Researchers have found that women who drink 4 or more cup of coffee per day have lower the 20% risk of being depressed. As reported by the Harvard University study in 2011.

Next, I am going to tell you how coffee helps in boosting our performance level. 

Coffee enters our system through the blood stream which means it reaches the brain in the range of 8-15 minutes after consumption. Originally, the adenosine supposed to bind with the adenosine receptor which would later making us feeling drowsy.

But, when caffeine came in, the receptor binds with caffeine instead of adenosine because the caffeine molecules are almost the same with adenosine.

Putuitary gland will now sees that and thinks there is an emergency going on. So, it tells the adrenal glands to produce adrenaline and then BAMMM. 5 minutes later you will get more energy.

My last point of speech is the effects of coffee and nap. As far as I concerned, both coffee and nap have can helps with sleepiness. .Especially during 'post dip lunch' which is the sleepiness that occurs in the mid afternoon after lunch. This happens due to dropping of cortisol, a natural chemical that helps to keep us in state. 

As a conclusion, both coffee and nap have restorative properties. Coffee can wears off especially when you've used to it but the combination of coffee and followed by a nap gives double energy in lowering the level of sleepiness.

That's all for my first ELC590 presentation. I'll be updating about my second presentation soon. Thank you for reading and don't forget to leave comments if you find this is interesting!

here's the references I've used. ^.^

Online Books

  1. Debry, G. (1994). Coffee and Health. Retrieved from http://books.google.com.my/books?id=uZaaCk-8s9sC&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false on 19th March 2014.
  2. Chu. Yi Fang, (2012). Coffee: emerging health effects and disease prevention. Retrieved from http://books.google.com.my/books?id=y0qA89vCr3MC&printsec=frontcover&dq=coffee+benefits&hl=en&sa=X&ei=-28qU_aVIoeQrge2rYCYCQ&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=coffee%20benefits&f=false on 25th March 2014.


  1. Gregory, V. (2013, August). Which is better: coffee or a nap? Reader’s Digest. Retrieved from http://www.rdasia.com/coffee-or-nap?icm=toppicks&icn=Coffee+or+nap on 18th March 2014

Journal article

  1. Hayashi, M., Masuda, A., Hori, Tadao. (2003). The alerting effects of caffeine, bright light and face washing after a short daytime nap. International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology, doi:10.1016/S1388-2457(03)00255-4
  2. Gunnars, K. (2013, November 25). Top 13 Evidence-Based Health Benefits Of Coffee. Authority Nutrition. Retrieved from http://authoritynutrition.com/top-13-evidence-based-health-benefits-of-coffee/ on 10th April 2014.

Saturday, June 28, 2014



finally Ramadhan has arrived. Happy fasting people. May Allah bless us.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Sorry that I abandoned you, love


It's been a while since my last post. Three months, I guess? Phew..
Second semester in Uitm Shah Alam. First semester living out of campus. Life is pretty amazing so far. even it does have ups and downs. well, that's what we call LIFE kan?

Oh, this semester we are studying about landscape planning. A little bit of Land and Planning Laws, and some other subjects as follows:

Subjects I am taking this semester.
Last month, yeah..exactly last month. We've been on a trip to Kuantan. It was wayyyy much different from the trips we've had in Perak. I guess it is because of the wayyyy different lecturers. We only did the study in day 1. Visual quality I mean. Not so much information to collect either since we're there on Thursday. Thursday afternoon to be precised. What should be there along the beach on Thursday afternoon? Nothing. Nada. Just a few villagers going on their daily routines. But it was so much fun on 2nd and 3rd day. Like we're coming here just to have a nice vacation. The hotel is quite awesome except there is no activities to do around the hotel area, and the Kuantan Waterfront too. Kuantan people are quite annoying to me. Not all but a few of them. Especially the one who's operating the stalls and kiosks. I must say they were quite rude to the customers. I am sorry to KUANTAN people. but this is what I and my friends thinks. I am buying a sizzling noodles in a mall, since it was quite late (what mall are about to close on 9pm?) I asked the lady when would my order would be done cooking but she'd just simply said " If you want to eat uncooked egg, you can have it now." It startled me and make me wanna curse her A LOT! Same thing also happened to my friend but at a different stall. I just can't stand local people being rude at the tourist. even it was local tourist from another state. urghhh..suddenly I feel angry again over an incident that happened last month.

okay. bye. ^.^

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Carrot Cake


I am back. Well, memang aku tengah cuti pun. tapi still banyak kerja dekat rumah ni. biasalah, jadi homemaker sekejap sebab cuti sebulan je. mana la nak dapat nak kerja part time kan. so, duduk rumah ni la kerja aku. cooking, baking, eating and sleeping. hahahaha.

carrot cake. mula-mula aku macam was-was nak makan kek ni sebab aku anti sayur. I not a big fan of veges actually. cerewet banyak. I only eat several types of vegetables in several dish only. contoh macam timun, aku makan timun kalau makan dengan nasi lemak, burger, or sandwich and satay sahaja. kalau ada masakan lain ada timun, I won't eat it. tak tahulah kenapa but it is just like that. Mak aku kata dulu masa kecik..aku peminat tegar sayur. Tapi tanpa sebab munasabah dia jadi terbalik pulak bila besar. okay, done with the fairy-tale. meh usha resepi ni. resepi ni aku ambil dari internet tapi lupa pulak website mana. ada banyak versions of carrot cake. tapi aku prefer yang ni sebab dia rich and moist. and more healthy sebab tak guna butter.

bahan :

4 eggs
1 ½ cup oil (aku guna minyak jagung)
2 cawan gula perang (aku guna 1  ½ cawan je and it's taste normal)
2 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking soda
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon (tak letak)
½ teaspoon ground mace (tak letak)
½ teaspoon ground cloves (tak letak)
1 teaspoon ground ginger
½ teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg (tak letak)
½ teaspoon salt
3 cups grated carrots (aku buat 2 cups je..tak larat nak parut dah. hahaha)
1 cup coarsely chopped walnuts (aku ganti dgn almonds ikut sukatan aku)
1 cup raisins (pun ikut suka aku nak banyak mana)

steps :

1. pukul telur, minyak dengan gula hingga adunan ringan dan berbuih. 
2. ayak tepung, baking powder dan serbuk rempah yang ada.
3. kemudian, masukkan bahan kering ke dalam bekas berisi adunan gula, minyak dan telur tadi. pukul lagi sehingga sebati.
4. masukkan parutan karot, kekacang yang anda guna, halia tumbuk dan kismis. gaul lagi sampai sebati.
5. tuang ke dalam tin kek yang telah di gris dengan butter atau boleh juga alas dengan kertas kek. 
6. bakar sampai lidi penguji keluar bersih (aku guna 175 degree celcius and bakar selama 30 min. )

untuk cream cheese frosting dia

aku guna basic cream cheese frosting recipe.

250 gm cream cheese (suhu bilik)
1/2 cawan butter (suhu bilik)
1/2 to 1 cawan gula icing (depends berapa manis korang nak)
1 sudu teh esen vanilla

ada beberapa version yang letak whipping cream untuk bagi dia pekat and extra lemak. so depends. kalau takda whipping cream boleh letak susu segar. or tak letak either this two pun takpa. kalau nak letak dalam beberapa sudu je depends on how thick you want your frosting to be sebab nanti tak susah nak letak atas kek.  :)

untuk orang tak makan sayur macam aku. kek ni tak jadi masalah pun. sebab sedap and tak rasa sayur pun. hahaha. this is the only way nak bagi sayur masuk perut tanpa buat anak tekak terseksa. :p

Aku ada beberapa lagi resepi yang nak di-share setelah di-eksperimenkan sendiri. so stay tuned. 

Thursday, January 30, 2014

6th Assembly of Landscape Architecture Students (ALAM6)


alhamdulillah I am home. dah empat hari sebenarnya. tapi keseronokan dan kepenatan bahana event ALAM6 tu belum habis lagi rasanya.

credit : FB Alam 2014

event ni sepatutnya berlangsung pada bulan Disember yang lepas. tapi sebab ada beberapa isu yang timbul, ia ditunda pada bulan Januari 2014. untuk event tahun ni, IIUM kembali menjadi tuan rumah. seperti yang aku sedia maklum, IIUM merupakan tempat asal event ini dilaksanakan. so berangkatlah beberapa delegasi dari seluruh Malaysia ke program ini.

Bukan semua kolej atau universiti ye boleh join. haha. hanya kolej atau universiti yang ada program berkaitan landskap je boleh turut serta. untuk tahun ni bertambah pula Kolej Geomatika. tak silap aku, ALAM5 dulu Geomatika tak join. tapi tak apalah. it was fun meeting new people. :)
konsep ALAM6 tahun ni ialah KEMBALI. kembali tu merujuk kepada pusingan urutan penganjuran ALAM dimana IIUM adalah permulaan ALAM yang pertama. *gua dah cerita ptadi pasal ni* 
keduanya sebab KEMBALI merujuk kepada simbolik manusia kembali kepada alam. apa-apa perbuatan kita akan reflect balik kepada alam. ketiga, berkaitan dengan hubungan manusia sesama manusia dan mencipta hubungan baik dengan Tuhan.

*source : website AlamKembali*

kalau ALAM 5 yang lepas, pembahagian kumpulan ikut nama landscape architect tersohor macam Peter Walker, Frederick Law Olmsted dan sebagainya. tapi ALAM 6 kali ni pakai nama filem-filem P.Ramlee. Klasik gitu. sesuai la dengan tema 'kembali' dan 'Cultural'nya tu. ada group Ali Baba, Tiga Abdul, Madu Tiga, Labu Labi, Bujang Lapuk, Anakku Sazali, Ibu Mertuaku, Ahmad Albab, dan beberapa lagi. aku tak ingat le. hahaha. 

24th January 2014

semua delegasi mendaftar. view from Mahallah Aminah.
ice breaking. Labu Labi. semua nampak awkward lagi. -.-
credit: Atisya Syakilla
Night Forum : I have seen the world change.

25th January 2014

ni group Tiga Abdul yang punya. :)
credit: Atisya Syakilla
us. delegates from UiTM Shah Alam at our exhibition booth.
Jadila dapat second place pun. :)
credit: Azim Azmi
DIY bench project. Recyled wood palette. ni johannya, group Ali Baba.
credit: Atisya Syakilla

untuk cultural performance malam ni. sorry..I don't have any picture of it. videos pun tak ada. but it was really fun. sorry again guys. 

26th January 2014

Catalyst Run. habis muka kena conteng!
credit: Atisya Syakilla

Water Ballon Fight. Rasanya game ni paling best.credit: Atisya Syakilla

jalan guna tempurung kepala. betul-betul "kembali" ni.
credit: Atisya Syakilla

team saya. Geng Labu Labi. third for Catalyst Run. :)
Credit: Azim Azmi
UiTM Perak with UiTM Shah Alam. we are one.  #inUiTMwetrust
Credit: Azim Azmi 

Anakku Sazali team members.
credit: Atisya Syakilla
sekitar Grand High Tea and closing ceremony ALAM VI

ALAM VI brings good memories 
KAED Gallery, IIUM. Fine architecture.
credit : Abdullah Azhar
sekitar meja buffet. cendol basi pun ada. haha.
credit: Abdullah Azhar
All delegates involved in ALAM VI. IIUM.
credit : Athirah B
Thank you for all the delegates and crew from IIUM. Jumpa lagi next time. ALAM 7 RISDA. 2015. :) 

p/s ---> beberapa gambar yang tak ada credit tu are mine. saja tak letak watermark. thank you for reading. :)

Monday, January 6, 2014

A full semester update. tee hee.

Assalamualaikum semua!

setelah sekian lama. gua muncul balik. maaf sepanjang empat bulan ni gua hilang. biasalah budak baru masuk u balik. dia jadi macam kelam-kabut banyak. studio pun boleh tahan mencabar jugak. tak macam masa kat Perak. sepanjang aku kat Perak pun, tak adalah tak tidur berhari-hari macam kat sini. kos sara hidup yang tinggi pulak.

*culture shock sekejap.*

iyelahh..dulu belajar kat Bota. biasa-biasa je. sekarang kat Shah Alam. even semua kerja computerized saja, tapi sakit juga. belum sempat save kerja, skrin jadi putih..keluar pulak message box.

*adobe photoshop is not responding*

terus rasa macam nak hantuk kepala ke meja. kalau roomate aku lagi best. kul 4,5 pagi siap kerja. yeayyy..boleh tidur. bangun esok pagi, kerja yang konon dah save tu entah kemana. hanya Tuhan yang tahu. seriously classmate mostly dah salin lappy baru. lappy yang upgrade bak kata mereka. bawah i3 jangan harap la. ni sekarang sume main level i5, i7. laptop aku ni pentium je dik oi. tapi alhamdulillah la, berkat kesabaran yang tinggi ni. lepas pun sem 4 ni dengan ____________.

*tempat kosong diatas hanya boleh diisi setelah keputusan peperiksaan UiTM diumumkan.

okay..the best part. jom tengok gambar. I tau you all memang suka tengok gambar kan? jeng jeng jenggggg..

 nah. aku tempek gambar classmate aku kat sini besau-besau. ada kawan korang kat sini? ni gambar masa studio terbuka. baru je beberapa hari start semester 4.

ini gadis - gadis lulusan Perak. semuanya diterbangkan khas ke Shah Alam. kah3. 
Athirah B tak ada pulak dalam gambaq ni. maap je art. :p

ini pulak gambau masa trip ke Melaka. trip untuk second assignment studio urban. ni lah jejaka - jejaka tampan group I. ada 3 ketul je. :D

ni pulak geng perempuan group aku. Haa..ni semua diva tau kecuali yang tudung mustard tu. macam-macam-macam gaya posing disitu. harap maaf.

tet tetttt..maaf menyelit gambar dengan kawan lelaki kita. 
haha..seronok dapat sambung belajar sesama lagi. :D

maaf lagi sekali. gambar saya bersama si dia lagi. hooyeahh. kami grad together-gether. 
*tunjuk gigi*

ini gambar pre-convocation dengan gegirl Diploma Senibina Landskap UiTM Perak. aku jugak paling ketot kat situ. :(

another important event in my life. my 22nd birthday. tak ada kek buat sendiri dah tahun ni. sebab celebrate kat shah alam. Thank you bestie and boyfie for the suprise. nad kata..muffin mccafe pun jadila. sebab tengah malam kedai kek tutup. :*

SOLAR Night Award. Dinner Jabatan. budak barukan..kena la join. tapi..tapi..rindu UiTM Perak. dah biasa dinner jabatan grand-grand, bila biasa-biasa jadi tak seronok. sorry Shah Alam. 

we went camping!! 
ni jelah last trip untuk sem ni. trip to Kuala Gandah and Janda Baik for subject Environmental Ethics. balik trip ni terus pulun buat board final studio. phewww.

that's all for this semester. exam dah habis tadi so I'm a free bird now. tapi belum boleh balik sebab aku join ALAM 6. ouhh..sedihnya.

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