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Friday, April 19, 2013

Being a girl


after 14 weeks berhempas pulas. Alhamdulillah, I am HOME. actually sudah beberapa hari di rumah. tapi mood nak bermalas-malasan tu masih tebal. barang-barang yang dah selamat diangkut dari Perak pun belum habis kemas. ouh, just put that aside first.

there's something I wanna share with you. yes YOU. If you are a girl.

I wish every girl knows that she is beautiful, internally and externally.  
I wish every girl should know, if she wants an imam, she can always go to the nearest masjid and pray together. Or she can ask her father or brother to be her imam.
I wish every girl should know if she wants to eat delicious food, she can always go to the nearest restaurant.  
I wish every girl should realize, if she wants a really nice home cooked food, she can always learn how to cook.  
I wish every girl should know, if she wants to be pampered, she should go to the spa or get a massage.  
I wish every girl should know, if she wants to splurge, she has to work hard to earn the money.  
I wish every girl should know, if she needs help, she can always call the mechanics, the plumber, the technician, doctors and so on.  
I wish every girl should know the importance of being independent.  
I wish every girl should know, if she wants to be loved, she doesn't have to look far. All she needs to do is just look within her and she will be loved.
and I wish I am that girl. 
because if she expects others to love her, than the hollow feeling in her heart can never be filled. 
I wish every girl in this world is being programmed to feel this way. So that we won't be an idiot or a slave for love or addicted to man to define her self worth, or being so clingy because of the fear of dying alone. 
Every girl should take a good care of herself.
-Arlina Arshad
here's a facebook status from my friend. my ex classmate actually. the one I've known from my high school. those words are hers. aku cuma tambah gambar-gambar tu nak bagi menarik. pheww. aku setuju dengan dia. sebagai perempuan, kita tak boleh sentiasa lemah. memang Allah ciptakan perempuan sebagai kaum yang lemah. aku yakin maksud Dia disitu, kaum yang lemah berbanding lelaki. aku cukup pantang kalau ada perempuan yang tak boleh buat apa-apa langsung tanpa bantuan lelaki. yelah, macam nak beli makanan. tunggu boyfriend orderkan. kalau boyfriend tak order, mati kebulur la kau kat situ. tak perlu manja sampai melampau macam tu. lelaki akan anggap perempuan macam ni lemah. tak pandai jaga diri. 
aku bukan cakap saja-saja. sebab aku pun dah pernah rasa. 

so girls, take this as a free advice. so long. :)
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