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Friday, June 18, 2010

tahu apa itu freemason??

actually aku dah lama dengar pasal freemason ni. tapi aku tak tahu pulak Lady Gaga bertindak as dia punya medium penyebaran. Adik aku yang sorang tu la duk cerita benda-benda ni.

dia kata
segala lambang football club ada kaitan dengan freemason tapi aku tak berapa nak paham bila dia terangkan.
aku google kat internet whoaa..macam-macam simbol ada and mostly memang betul macam kt blog yang aku stated ni:

dan adik aku kata freemason ni sangat berkait rapat dengan Israel.
aku google lagi
then jumpa ni.

  1. That much of the external trappings of Freemasonry, such as its ritual, its terminology, its legends, etc., are of Jewish origin;
  2. That the philosophy or religion of esoteric Freemasonry (that is of the inner circles and controlling power) is practically identical with the doctrines of the Jewish Cabala (Kabbalah), which is the religion or philosophy of a certain section of the Jews;
  3. That a certain group of Jews, probably very few in number, but of immense influence and power, are leading Freemasons; and
  4. That a somewhat larger group of very influential Jews pursue the same ends as Freemasons, and use similar means, and are at least in close alliance with them.

nak tahu byk lagi google aja. aku tak sanggup nak baca banyak-banyak.
betul la adik aku kata.
ini salah satu cara mereka menyebarkan ajaran dorang.


fatinhidup said...

ko tgk the arrivals.. then ko akn phm apa itu freemason.

Eirma Rohayu said...

weyh ,
kau twu ark ,
ak nei da larh mnt gle at lady gaga !
huh nek gagap ak bce menatang alah nei .
ala bkn lady gaga sowg jep ,
ad jgk artis len .
tp whyyyy lady gaga jugakkkk ???????????????

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